Applying human-centered design to revolutionize the music industry.

  • User research and testing
  • Product strategy
  • Design system build
  • Responsive web design
  • Product roadmapping

Andrson is a young startup with the ambitious goal of disrupting the music industry by connecting talented artists with industry professionals.

The A&R platform uses predictive analytics and audio AI to link unsigned, unmonetized talent with industry professionals that are looking for something they aren’t able to find via traditional channels.


Our goal was then to articulate the ideal strategy going forward.

Andrson came to SNACKS with a nascent platform on both web and mobile. They were eager to get a proof of concept to their intended audience and learn from early adopters. With SNACKS, the goal was to audit the existing platform, conduct user research, and formulate a product and design strategy within a 3 month Discovery phase.

From our research, we were able to determine interest in and understanding of the platform as well as points of friction and delight within specific functionalities. Understanding the users’ needs and problems allowed us to find the intersection between those and the needs of the business. Our goal was then to articulate the ideal strategy going forward.


Users were already using the platform to collaborate with other artists. We saw an opportunity to double down on this.

Our design phase took place over 10 weeks where we worked in 2 week sprints, reviewing work and collaborating with the Andrson team. Our design strategy was informed by internal exercises centered around the H.E.A.R.T. framework — rethinking flows and functionality with the idea of driving Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, and Task Success. Previous marketing efforts and a strong value proposition had gone a long way towards Adoption, but we needed to rethink the platform to accommodate the other areas.

Engagement and Task Success would be driven by opening up what was initially a very gated platform. Giving users paths to exploration and rewarding them for their engagement would increase their time investment and contribute, but not ensure their Retention. To give users the extra encouragement to create an account and return regularly, we drew on a key insight from our user research. Users were already using the platform to collaborate with other artists. We saw an opportunity to double down on this.

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This has been one of the best professional relationships we’ve had. The team is exceedingly talented, efficient, and friendly. I felt as if we weren’t working with them as partners, but rather together on the same product team. Working with them was perfect for our business, as well as enjoyable. I would highly recommend Snacks to all companies seeking digital product design.
